In my last post I said we were all doing pretty good, but then I forgot to post a picture of Stinky! So I will now give him his own post to say that he is doing good too, even though he's 15. I think he's 15, but he could be older. Let's say 15.5.
(Whenever I mention the cat's age to my sister she gives me a stern look because I always underestimate it by a year or so. Then I get tears in my eyes because whatever his real age is, that seems really old, and one of the really sad things about life is that our pets can only be with us for a fraction of it.)
BUT ANYWAY. For now he is fine, a little stiff and a little addled--I don't remember him yowling so much, at nothing, for hours, before--but overall still sweet and furry and handsome and fine.
He's still a pest. When he stops being a pest I will worry.
Fun fact: He doesn't seem to hate the new dog much at all. This surprises me, but I'm not complaining.