How did Joolie's yard turn out? you have almost certainly asked yourself on those nights when you wake up at 3 am for no reason that you can discern, laying flat on your slightly damp mattress, staring up at nothing, hoping that sleep will overtake you before your ceiling fan resumes the intermittent clacking sound that you never noticed until just a minute ago. What does her yard look like now, a year after she did all that crap to it?
It looks pretty good, I think! We planted new grass in April, moved some things around, and replaced the palms with some nice Texas sotol. Other than that it's just been doing its thing with a minimum of weeding and watering.
The yard last October, right after I planted everything.
The yard this morning.
And, just for fun, the yard the summer before I started working on it. Puke-o-rama, right? (Actually, it was fine. But it's better now.)