Sunday night I bought a whole chicken at Central Market and roasted it. Eric made a really nice gravy from the pan drippings; it tasted fancy and delicious.
Monday we had leftover chicken and gravy and also chicken sandwiches.
Tuesday we made enchiladas verdes with half the leftover chicken and saved the rest. I put the carcass in with vegetables to boil for stock.
We both tended the stock all Tuesday night and through Wednesday; last night I strained and finished it and set aside some of the spent meat and fat for cat and dog treats.
Tonight I made tortilla soup with the stock and the rest of the leftover chicken. We will have tortilla soup for lunch and probably dinner tomorrow. We will divide up the rest of the stock and freeze it for later.
I am not yet tired of chicken. But I am really, really fed up with being in the kitchen, so much so that I would as soon chop the place up with an axe as spend one more second in there.
Two adults got about six good meals each from one chicken, plus stock for future cooking. That seems like a pretty good deal, plus it was fun (until it wasn't). It was also a lot of damn work. I'm glad we managed to use the whole chicken and the price of an organic bird seems much less insane when it can feed our little household so well for a week.
Still, I would like to go out to eat a lot this weekend.