Took the day off from work. Willa and I went for a long walk and then I drank coffee until I no longer felt foggy. After that I put the laptop away and got to work. I cut, printed, and colored two prints, framed those plus one more I'd had done for a while, and typed up a bunch of title tags. I was both amazed and a little appalled at how much I was able to get done simply by staying off the internet and working under a deadline.
In the late afternoon Eric drove us down to End of an Ear, where we met Dan and hung a bunch of art on the wall there. The hanging went quickly and smoothly and although I have a slight bias I do think it all looks pretty good up there; we've got a good assortment of photos, relief prints, and paintings. If you live in Austin that'll all be up through the end of September, plus we're having a closing party on the 29th. More on that later.
After hanging everything we all tried to eat at the new ramen place during its soft opening, but it was packed and they are still working out the kinks, so we went to Swad instead and gorged on vegetarian Indian food. It was our first time there so we didn't know just how much food we were ordering until it started coming out, plate after plate; before long our four-person table was completely covered with dishes. It was a little embarrassing, but everything was really delicious and we made a pretty big dent.
After that we had a couple beers at Black Star Coop with a friend and then headed home.
Also today I got to pet two new dogs, a sweet old guy who kept nudging my legs with his very cold nose at the record store and a kinda sickly but happy new rescue mutt. His owner was taking him around the bar patio to get pets from everyone so he could get socialized and learn to be cool in public.
So yeah, it was a pretty nice Tuesday.