Not doing a whole lot lately, swimming when I can, working on woodcuts but not very hard, trying to keep the garden producing and the trees from dying and not doing a very good job. I usually enjoy tending the yard, but it's no fun at all during a drought. All this watering is making me sad and anxious. We did get a third of an inch of rain over here yesterday, which didn't help a whole lot but at least put a rest to my fear that it would just simply never rain again.
I took a long weekend on Monday and Tuesday so we could take a couple day trips with friends. Monday was Krause Springs, which I agreed to try again after they made us so mad a few years ago. It is really pretty there, with great people watching, and the water was cool, so I'm not mad anymore.
Yesterday we drove to Houston because two of our friends had never been, and it had been a long time since Eric and I had gone as well. We got the full Houston experience, or at least a solid representative sample, in eight hours: I-10 in the rain, the Museum of Fine Arts*, a prolonged hunt for food with several wrong turns, Rice Village, the Museum of Natural Science, and a trip up I-45 at rush hour to browse Vinal Edge on our way out of town. (Which, thanks to the recommendation of Vinal Edge's owner, ended up being via the mostly bucolic FM 2920 instead of the strip-mall hellscape of FM 1960.)
Ok, then! If I did nothing else today, I showed up to work and wrote this post. Now I feel fully justified in spending my time before bed immersed in PixelJunk Monsters, the stupid but appealing game I started earlier this week.
Edit, 1:29 a.m. No game for me. The dog chewed up a pen I idiotically left on the coffee table, so I was compelled to spend an hour and a half blotting black ink out of the carpet. It still looks like shit, but I can blot no longer.
*Highly recommend the Charles LeDray workworkworkworkwork exhibit, which is perplexing, impressive, and charming. There is a nice slideshow here, but you should probably get out there yourself. It runs until mid-September.