My days of woe and exhaustion and far too much overtime are over for a while, and I am cartoonishly rubbing my hands together over the months of comp and vacation time I have accrued while I stake out my plans and goals for the rest of the year. Some of them are modest and specific, like stop being such a shitbag about cleaning the bathtub and take more photos, while others are a little more grandiose and unfocused, like travel and like, do some really cool big project.
See? I'm taking more photos already! And two blog posts in a week, that's pretty good, right? Right?
Some of this will happen; most of it won't. I used to beat myself up a lot for not accomplishing everything I intended to, but I think I just like to always have a big backlog of potential activities, even if I only ever attempt maybe a fifth of it. It ensures I'll never run out of shit to do and that I'll always have something in particular to feel guilty about when I opt to stay up late and drink beer instead.
Yeah, that sounds like bullshit, doesn't it? It's more likely that I'm just lazy. Well, either way, I am beginning to be at peace with it.