Working, working, almost every day now, occasionally all night until after the sun comes up. My body is confused. My brain is confused. My eyes burn.
As tired and stupid as I am right now, I'm in fairly good spirits. One nice thing about working so much is feeling that I can forgive myself for letting just about everything go for a while. It's kind of freeing. The house is messy, I don't return phone calls for days, my hair is shaggy and greasy, I ate chili cheese dogs for four meals in a row: oh, well, I have an excuse. And my coworkers are in the same boat, so no one's going to judge me for wearing the same pair of pants three days in a row. At least I don't think they will. I hope they don't.
Eric and I both needed something to look forward to once all this working stops, so we bought plane tickets to Portland for a long weekend next month. All we want is to go someplace new to eat, drink beer, and take pictures for a few days, and Portland sounds about perfect for all that. Anyone have suggestions on things to do? What part of town should we stay in?
Hey, since you went to all the trouble to stop by here even though I haven't bothered to update in like two weeks (see paragraph two above), please enjoy this chalk drawing of a unicorn vomiting a rainbow that I saw at the park this evening:

Magical, right?