I'm back on night shift and soon to be chained to my desk again, so it's time to resurrect the office farm.
Long-time readers will remember the saga of morning glory, which clambered up a tower of taped-together chopsticks and strings to produce one perfect blue bloom at the very end of my bad work times.
Long-time readers will not remember the carrots I grew two years ago, because shortly after planting the seeds and posting a picture of the pot, the entire office became infested with gnats. Like, it was really bad; people were inhaling them when they talked and everyone was irritably waving their hands in front of their faces. It took me a few days to realize that I had brought the gnats in with the soil I planted the carrot seeds in.
I quietly took the infested pot of struggling seedlings home and left it on the patio where all the seedlings withered in the sun. Until today, I kept quiet about these failure carrots because I was mortified and also because I was afraid an angry mob of gnat-besieged coworkers would mass in my office and pelt me with sharpened blue pencils if I confessed.
This year I am going to try to grow a beet. Just one beet, because that's all I have room for. The package says that should take about half the season. After that I will switch to cilantro, which would be nice to have in the office all the time in case anyone has a lackluster taco that needs garnishing.
So. I have a pot full of (sterilized) soil, a packet of seeds, a grow bulb, and lots of time. Tonight I soak the seed, and tomorrow I plant it. I will, of course, keep you posted.