The spider spun her egg sac sometime Saturday night. Now she looks smaller and a little depleted, and she didn't bother to redo her cool web zigzag yesterday morning. I read garden spiders can pop a few rounds of eggs out before they die in the fall, so maybe she's still got some work to do.
She's lost her baby weight already--how does she do it?
I'm not sure how long these eggs will need to incubate before they hatch. If it's more than a few weeks, there may be trouble. I'm going to want to pull the tomato plants out to make room for a fall garden eventually. I wonder if the egg sac can be safely moved?
I have pretty much given up on the summer tomatoes now. I'll keep watering them and harvesting what I can, but they are getting leggy and stunted by the sun and the stinkbugs, and I can't even get to half of them because of spider lady there. Probably I should have taken down her web until she gave up on that spot and set up shop elsewhere. In hindsight, it just isn't a very good place for a giant web/nursery. Next year I will have a harder heart, I promise.