'Cause he's sick of looking at the animated beard gif. I guess maybe you are too? (God, Dad. You aren't like the ruler of my life anymore, OKAY? Hey, can I have ten bucks for the mall?)
I've had since Friday off, and I still have a couple more days to go. I've been working on another succulent/cactus bed for the backyard, moving thousands of pounds of rocks and gravel around one cart/trunk/wheelbarrow full at a time, but it's all still a pathetic mess and not in any condition to be photographed and passed off as a blog-worthy "after" picture, so that will have to wait a few days. Or weeks. Or years. I mean, when it's done, it will look nice and I will be glad, but as with everything I do, it will seem as though it really shouldn't have taken nearly as much time and effort as it did.
Whatever; I have no upper body strength and tend to not plan things past the immediate next step, so these things tend to take a while.
Anyway, I've been sort of busy, and sort of tired. Today I woke up sore and lazy, so I did nothing but take (take, take). I took a couple of walks. I took a lady shower.* I took a nap. I took some wine. I took the cat off my lap about 600 times. I took some ibuprofen.
I did make a pork tenderloin and some boxed potatoes, but I did most of the prep work yesterday, so it hardly counts. And that was the extent of my Sunday. Tomorrow: More rocks and dirt. And maybe a print, and possibly some pictures. An animated gif, even. I hear my dad loves 'em.
*Contains most if not all elements: Shampoo, condition, exfoliate with expensive scrubby stuff, apply extra facial wash behind ears, shave legs/pits/thighs/bits, stare out at nothing through the steam for about 10 minutes, touch up shaving on ankles and knees, rinse scalp with cold water for invigoration/shine. The lady shower is pretty much a rainy weekend afternoon phenomenon and would never be confused with an oh shit I'm late but I stink and can't skip this shower, which is pretty much 355 showers out of 365 around here.