I'm tired and weird and stupid from this incessant stepping down on the nicotine dosage. I'm down to two pieces of gum a day, which hardly seems worth bothering with considering I spend about half my day in eyelid-twitching withdrawal anyway, but I really want to get this right. Discomfort aside, it seems to be working. For now I will be patient and keep chewing. Chomp. Twitch twitch twitch twitch. Chomp.
I'm playing around with a new design for the site, so don't be alarmed if all of a sudden everything is tiny or red or <null> for a little while. It's been six years since I set up the current one, and I keep thinking I'll learn CSS and make this site my own awesome thing. That clearly hasn't happened yet, so I'm stuck futzing with Typepad's boring templates.
Oh! I finally finished tagging and posting pictures of the trip to Japan last year. Four months later, I am still amazed at how much fun we had, and you know I can have some fun. The completed set is here, in chronological order, if you want to see it. I wish, I wish, I wish I'd had my new camera on the trip, but I still have more than enough to remember the trip by, and Eric more than picked up my slack. His set is here.