Yep and yay, I'm not doing a damn thing this week. I hosted family over Christmas and cooked and ate a lot of food and drank a lot of wine, and since then I've been off work and have just been doing nothing.
I go to bed whenever, wake up whenever, eat food, read magazines, and drink beer whenever. It's fantastic. Yesterday I went for a hike at Pedernales Falls, met friends for drinks, and fell asleep on the couch for the night while watching trashy TV. Today I drank a million cups of coffee, watched the rain, ran a few errands, cleaned my office/guestroom for friends who are coming tomorrow, and watched a really shitty movie. So boring, so great.
I have lots more lazing to do and some hosting duties too, all of which will be fun and none of which will make for compelling blogging. I'll see you guys in 2010.