I haven't had a cigarette in 52 days. Assuming I'd spend $6.50 on a pack each day, that's almost $340 I've saved.
Unfortunately, I also estimate in those 52 days I've spent twice that on extra food, booze, and toys to distract myself from being miserable. (I honestly feel like I have a touch of brain damage; I probably do.)
Ok, but money and self-pity and brain chemistry aside, here's the really fucked-up thing, and by "fucked up" I mean kind of cool and also completely, head-shaking, lips-flapping and going "buhduhbuhduhbuh" horrifying: assuming it takes me 7 minutes to smoke a cigarette (give or take the travel time outside, time fumbling for lighters, etc.), that's 123 hours I've saved.
That makes five days--FIVE DAYS--out of the past not even two months that I would have spent smoking cigarettes.
I mean, it's not like those five days were spent doing nothing but smoking. You can do other things and smoke at the same time, like drive, read, walk, have interesting conversations with your friends (sob), or whatever, but still. FIVE DAYS. As in five full, calendar, 24-hour days.
FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!
!Not that I have anything to show for those either. I think I've spent twice that complaining about not smoking, to be perfectly honest.