Okinawa might be the strangest place I've ever been, and it's not just because of the snake whiskey and pork jerky (the delicious, delicious pork jerky). At least where we're staying there is this mixture of Japanese, American, military, agrarian, and island cultures that is just really bizarre. I wish I could describe it better, but we haven't been here long enough for me to figure out the first thing about it, so you'll just have to trust me.
We've been driving around and sightseeing, eating delicious Okinawan and homecooked food, and hanging out with my sister-in-law and her husband and their two kids. It's cool to see my sweet, shy seven-year-old nephew growing tall and self assured and fun to watch the three-year-old take in every last thing around him and try to figure out how to bend it all to his will.
Oh, I figured out a few days ago that I have only been able to post pictures or text on the iPhone, not both, so a bunch of text didn't make it through last week. I fixed the posts if you want to read them. Ok, bed.