It's getting to be the time of late nights and long hours at my job again, so I thought I'd brighten up my desk with a few plants while giving myself a project to look forward to instead of just darkly marking off the days on the calendar over the next few months.
Last time I grew a morning glory from seed, and that was pretty gratifying. This year I thought I might as well grow myself a snack, so I bought a nifty self-watering pot and then threw soil, a little organic fertilizer, and a few pinches of basil and baby carrot seeds in there.
I'm not the only one who does stuff like this. Bryan in the front office brought in a Meyer lemon tree last month to see what it could do in front of the wall of windows in there. He has a lot more room and light to work with, though. I am limited to growing things I can fit under my Target floor lamp.
It's not much to look at right now, but please stay tuned in the coming weeks.