I love Super Bowl Sunday. It's so quiet outside. And inside. I don't hate football, but it would never occur to me to watch a game unless I was with someone who really wanted to.
Stinky has worms, which we discovered the way we always do: by seeing one poking out of Stinky's little butthole and waving to us. I hate that.
I do, however, love our vet. I may have to frame the envelope the deworming pill came in.
You know who else I love? Blago. Rod Blagojevich has been giving me fits ever since he was arrested in December. The press conference where he announced the appointment of nice Roland Burris to the senate was so awkward and surreal it had me kicking my legs and rolling on the floor. And the article in The New York Times about his last day in office is 1,200 words of pure joy.
I can't help but admire--nay, adore--anyone who is that brazenly and unrepentantly slimy, so much so that I was inspired to make a lino cut and many colorful prints of his big head. And then I had to turn those prints into buttons so I can force them on my friends, much like Blagojevich forced Roland Burris on an unsuspecting U.S. Senate.
You want one? Of course you do! These buttons are a fucking valuable thing! But unlike my man Blago, I will just give them away for nothing. I can spare about ten, so just claim yours in the comments and send me an e-mail with your mailing address if you don't happen to be someone I see as I go about my week.
I mean, come on. I did this for you, the people! If anything, I should have been more selfish!