Jennifer K. and I signed up for another round of swimming lessons today. They start next month. I am determined to learn freestyle once and for all. I just can't get the kicking right for some reason. I am pretty happy with my breaststroke, which I've been assiduously practicing for five summers running, but I know I could get even better at it.
The aquatics office is next to Deep Eddy pool, so we swam laps for the rest of my lunch hour. The new bathhouse there is pretty fancy. It's nice to be at a pool with amenities for a change because it's pretty apparent that most of the city pools are a budgetary afterthought. The one around the corner from my house is cracked, understaffed, and usually filthy, and its lifeguard office looks like something squatters would live in for a few weeks before they torched it and moved on to a nice underpass somewhere.
I've been wanting to take a lot of classes lately. The thought of going back to school for real makes me want to peel my skin off--I'd have to figure out what for, for starters--but I really like sitting in a room learning stuff. So I also have my eye on a weekend-long painting course through AMOA and an Adobe InDesign class through UT Informal Classes, and maybe another Flash class even though I haven't done much with the first one. And Dan and I have talked about taking a photography class, and I never did re-enroll in that screen printing class that got canceled last summer, and and and...
Probably if I'm going to be doing this I should doing it with an eye toward acquiring marketable skills and bettering myself and that good, dreary stuff, but I'd really rather spend my time and money enrolling in all kinds of unrelated things that will help me maximize my leisure time and make me the very best surface-knowledge-having screwoff I can possibly be.