There was a lull after the wedding that went on a little too long; even with the honeymoon to break it up, I couldn't catch my snap or seem to want to do much of anything. I mean, we deserved a rest, sure, but it's been over two months, and rest inevitably turns into atrophy if I fuck around doing not much of anything for too long.
I think that is ending with the beginning of summer. All of a sudden I have lots to do and lots I want to do and even more that I should do and probably won't because, let's face it, I'm primarily pleasure driven and in some ways very deeply lazy.
But I have some ideas for art projects and house projects. The basil we planted is sprouting, we moved the teepee into the sun to serve as a beanpole/flowering vine trellis, there are shows and movies to see and birthdays to celebrate, there are friends to visit and friends visiting, all my favorite swimming holes are opening, and there's even another parade to march in next month. I am all too glad to get off my ass and rejoin the living.