I got the new camera, a Canon S5 IS, from Amazon today. Not only did they not condescendingly try to tell me about view holes, it was about fifty bucks cheaper than at the store (even less than that with the store credit I had), and the camera got here four days before the estimated delivery date. Not bad.
Look! I have macro. Hooray!
I am in love with this cactus right now. Perhaps I should have married it instead, but think of the scarring involved... Unfortunately, this shot looks a little blown-out and weird.
I can tell it's not the greatest camera in the world, and it looks like I'll have to mess around with it quite a bit to get the pictures I want out of it. That's okay. I like messing around with stuff. One more test shot:
This is my sister with what she calls her "psych!" expression, although I don't remember what she was trying to psych me out about. (I am aware that some people prefer to spell it "SIKE," because it's even dumber that way, but I just can't do it. I won't. You can't make me.)
The camera has some limitations, but it's really fast and fun to shoot with, and it's several steps up from my old one, which I had been getting really impatient with. It's a little bulkier than I'd like, too, but it's just barely small and light enough that I'll be able to take it with me everywhere.
I can't wait to take it out to Big Bend. Maybe I'll get to take pictures of bears. Ok, maybe not bears. But I'll try to get a javelina or two at least.