The Super Bowl starts in five minutes! I'm so excited because that means it's almost time to go grocery shopping in an empty store and driving around on the deserted streets.
I hope, anyway. No one around here seems to give much of a shit about this particular matchup. But who knows; most of the people I know aren't big sports fans and are therefore not a representative sample.
Update, 9:29 p.m.: Actually, every other non-football fan in town had the same idea, and the store was only slightly less zoo-y than usual. And I ended up watching part of the game after all; I ran into my high school friend in the beer section and he invited us a Super Bowl party where many more of my high school friends, who live here but I rarely see, were hanging out. Very unexpected and random and good. Although I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing these soft-spoken, bearded parents in the place of the kids who did things like make dry-ice bombs and drive around looking for road kill to arrange on people's windshields.