Did you know that Eric and I have a creepy ravine in our yard? (The property survey calls it a drainage easement and we've been calling it a creek, but I think "ravine" is apt and the most fun to say.)
We had never actually seen it until yesterday because the previous owners put up a giant gate-free fence in front of it. We thought the fence was just to keep burglars from coming into the backyard from the creekbed, but after spending a few hours back there, we decided it was also there to shield our delicate eyes from it. Our ravine is u-g-l-y. It's very steep and eroded and choked with trash trees, thorns, and flood debris, and it's covered with loose, pale, crumbly soil that makes it almost impossible to traverse (JLowe, what could it be?).
We went back there to chop down some vines that are threatening to take out most of our good trees, and also because it seemed weird that after living here six months, we'd never actually seen half of our yard. We had to cut through the neighbor's yard to get there, and while it was fun to scramble around and explore, we won't be spending a lot more time back there.
Other, random stuff that doesn't quite deserve a whole post:
I've decided Furr's Cafeteria is better than Luby's now. But I don't think we should eat there very often, given the pallor and general wheeziness of most of the other patrons there, both young and old.
I am very sad that KOOP is off the air due to another fire, but I've been sort of enjoying having KVRX on the air all day in its place. KOOP is good because so much of its music programming is run by people with near-impeccable taste, but sometimes the holy shit, look-what-I-just-found-in-the-new-arrivals-bin vibe of student radio is more fun to listen to. On the flip side, some of the kids are not half as clever as they think they are and should really just shut up and play another song.
A transaction I actually witnessed recently at the bar where Eric works:
Eric: What can I get for you?
Tarted-up girl in her 20s: Mmm. I don't know.
Eric: (Lists off different kids of beers)
TUGIHT: Well, I like to try different things. (Lowers eyes, pauses, looks up, leans in) All kinds of different things.
Eric: Well, you might like the Spaten... (pours, serves)
TUGIHT: Can you put that on my tab?
Eric: Sure. What was your name?
I was smothering laughter at the end of the bar the whole time. Is that really a good way to hit on guys? I guess if you're young and cute you don't need a particularly good line.
Note also that there were only about six people in the bar, so I'm pretty sure Eric knew full well what the girl's name was. I bet that part was just for my benefit. He can be smooth like that. Or maybe he really is that clueless. I practically had to resort to semaphore before he picked up that I wanted to go out with him, so I guess it's possible.
Oh, wait, here's smooth Eric now, in his bathrobe, eating plain tortillas straight out of the package and dropping pieces of cellophane on the ground. Let's ask him.
Eric, what was that all about?
I'll go with clueless for two hundred, Joolie. Flirty...meh.
Well, I guess I won't argue. Unless he's so smooth he's still claiming cluelessness? Sheesh. Best to take these things at face value, I think.
That's enough nonsense for one night. I have blogs to read and important foosball games to lose.