Everyone had me convinced that I was going to get a dry socket because I smoked after I got my molar pulled. I didn't know! I thought that was just for wisdom teeth! But I read up on it, and it can happen with any extraction, especially those on the lower jaw, especially those that are performed on women, super double especially to women who are dirty smokers.
I was terrified. I spent way too much money on clove oil and Orajel just in case one flared up over the weekend; I obsessively read message boards about dry sockets; I made Eric examine the bloody hole in my mouth six or seven times a day to confirm that my jawbone wasn't visible. I was freaked out, but all the while I kept smoking because I figured any damage had already been done.
And then nothing happened, except my jaw is still a little sore from all the pushing and yanking and healing and, yes, being thrust forward over and over again so Eric could get a better look at it.
I'm not totally healed up yet, so I guess I could still get a dry socket (or alveolar osteitis, for you weirdos who believe in science) but I'm starting to think I won't. In fact, I think this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am one of the lucky people who can smoke and smoke, and nothing bad will happen to them, for any reason, ever.