I just made a batch of disaster cookies. They were supposed to be lemon cookies, but I accidentally turned off the oven in the middle of the baking time. Somehow that resulted in cookies with perfectly browned bottoms that are almost raw inside. At the risk of sounding like a doddering old lady, my oven is digital and way too complicated.
I would just fob the cookies off on my co-workers, but most of them are ridiculously excellent cooks and bakers and would recognize my offering for what it was: Oh, boy, Joolie, thanks for your reject pile! Not that anyone I work with would be shitty about free food; I'm just saying they would know what happened. I'm holding out hope that the cookies will improve as they cool.
Hey, I signed up for a Introduction to Flash class at ACC (get where you wanna be) tonight. It starts next month, so get ready for a content-rich, knock-your-fucking-socks-off multimedia extravaganza up in this bitch...by which I mean I'll probably post a handful of animations that should be less jerky and static than the kind I learned to make last year. It should be pretty fun. I'll get to actually use the damn software correctly and integrate audio and stuff.
I bought a not-very-inspired Christmas present for my sister tonight, and as I was checking out I started to wonder if it was too mundane to give as a Christmas present. So I asked Eric if he thought it was a crappy gift. He is of course too smart to answer questions like that, but the cashier wasn't.
"Maybe it's a crappy gift," she chirped, "but later they'll be glad that they didn't have to spend money on it themselves."
I couldn't even be annoyed; she was absolutely right. I started to abort the transaction, but then I remembered that my sister bought me tweezers last year. Fancy expensive tweezers, but still.
So to hell with it; a ____________ it is! Merry Christmas, Jill! Hopefully you'll enjoy the ___________ I got to go with it.
You'll be happy to hear that the cookies have improved immensely in the time it took me to write this post. They're still a little weird, but they're not at all bad. Plus they have lemon juice in them, so they will ward off colds and scurvy. I think I'll gobble a few more before bed.