DWI Dude never wrote me back. Too busy getting drunken drivers out of jail time or something. Jerk.
I don't really think the internet is boring.* I do think it's a giant time and energy suck. I need a better default activity, I think.
I planted a rosemary plant and hung the hummingbird feeder today. Between those things, the full ashtray, and the coffee cups and magazines scattered all over the deck, it truly looks like my yard now.
School starts this week, which affects me not at all. I don't really know why, but I kind of have that bittersweet back-to-school feeling right now. Does that ever completely go away?
Actually, to hell with that bittersweet nonsense: if you're an adult with vacation time, the month after Labor Day is always the best part of summer. All the kids are in school and adults have the run of the libraries and swimming holes. Yeah! Sit in your classrooms and stifle! Stifle and learn, you little suckers. I'm going to the lake!
I helped my friend Jennifer move her stuff into storage in preparation for her big Brooklyn adventure. It didn't take very long. I always admire a pared-down aesthetic in a person, but never so much as when I'm helping someone move.
The season finale of Big Love was a little disappointing. I really enjoy watching that show, but I'm not sure how much I like it. Taken scene by scene it's great, but the writing's a little unfocused sometimes.
I made migas this morning. They were delicious, but then I put crappy salsa on them and magically transformed all my nice food into a sweet, watery pile of yuck. Good salsa is too expensive, and the bad stuff is just fatal. There is one brand that is delicious and under $4, maybe even under $3, but they're always out of it. Take the hint and give Texas-Texas salsa more shelf space, HEB. And Topo Chico too, while you're at it. That shit is almost always sold out.
That's it! How'd the goat sacrifice turn out?
*Although I like to think I help it along in that direction a little. Take this post, for example. Snore! See?