The city is choked with SXSW stuff, and so far I have not taken advantage of any of it. Every year I say I don't care, but while I've never gone way out of my way for it, I usually end up wandering around most of the week anyway, hitting a few parties and shows and generally having a great time.
This year, though, I was surprised to realize that I really, truly don't give a damn. I rode my bike straight home from work tonight as the loud, loud music downtown receded behind me, wondering what was wrong with me that I was racing so hard away from all that supposed fun.
But I don't like crowds, I can afford to buy my own beer, and most of the bands and people I could see this week in glimpses and glances I almost certainly will be able see later, at more length and leisure, and with much more convenient parking. Even the last great fallback source of entertainment, the sneer-at-the-douchebags-from- LA/NY/Chicago routine, has grown pretty thin.
It's funny. I think I used to care, and then I didn't care but it bothered me because I felt like I should care, but now I really don't care. I guess I still care enough to talk about how I don't care, though. That's something.