What kind of craphead barely gets elected, advocates not only the continuation but the expansion of slavery, loses the Democratic party's nomination for reelection, aligns himself with the Confederacy, and finally dies of cirrhosis of the liver*?
Why, Franklin Pierce, our fourteenth president, of course!
Congratulations, Mr. President. You're the fourth to be honored in our series of lame, crappy, or boring presidents.
Previous years' honorees:
James Buchanan
Warren Harding
William Henry Harrison
*Although to his credit, according to Wikipedia, he supposedly said, "There's nothing left to do but get drunk," after he lost the nomination. Also, many websites report he was arrested for running over an old woman with his horse. We here at Oh, My Stars and Garters! salute that kind of behavior. Happy Presidents' Day, sir! Happy, happy Presidents' Day.
Sources: Whitehouse.gov, Wikipedia, Internet Public Library