I had what I thought was this hilarious idea that everyone should drink a six-pack and then redesign their blogs, and I started to do mine but then the whole idea seemed really stupid and meme-y. To be perfectly honest, memes make me really uncomfortable. I kind of hate them.
The other wrinkle in my big stupid plan is that I only had three beers, not six, so the six-pack aspect would have been a complete and total lie, and anyway my contribution was just going to be to change the banner design and then make the fonts really big and turn the whole background orange. While that cracked me up for a second after I did it, it really wasn't that impressive or even that awful, just really big and orange, and what the hell? Like big and orange is so fucking funny?
So I changed it all back, except for the banner, and that's only because I don't feel like looking for the old one in my file manager thingy.
Now, dammit, I realize if I'd just looked for the old banner for a few seconds I could have quietly restored everything to the way it was and gone on with my evening without telling you all about this, blah blah blah, and that would have been that. Although maybe it's time for a new banner anyway. I mean, a new new one; the one up there now is not going to be it.
The best part is that I stayed home on purpose tonight hoping to get some stuff done, but obviously that didn't work out like I'd hoped.
Wow, this is an amazingly dumb post. I should stop it soon.
Anyhow, if you do happen to drink a six pack and redesign your blog, I wish you'd send me the link. I'll try to think of something nice to send you if you do, especially if it's even a little bit funnier than my stupid big and orange idea.