I have kind of a busy month ahead.
Tuesday we have a visitor coming in for the week, so I'm taking the week off. Amanda showed us an insane amount of fun and hospitality when we were in Seattle last year, and I can't wait to help reciprocate.
There's nothing much planned for the next week, and then I'm taking a quick trip up to Dallas for Father's Day, and then! Eric and I fly up to Rochester, New York, for a week, so I can attend and officiate Vickie's wedding on the strength of my mail-order ministerial credentials. Holy crap.
The Reverend Joolie--who apparently refers to herself in the third person--is flabbergasted, stoked, deeply honored, and slightly nervous about all this. She is mostly worried that she'll disgrace herself by getting weepy during the ceremony. There is a slight danger of this because Vickie is her dearest friend and is very much deserving of happiness and the whole story of how Vickie and Erik got together is very long and sweet.
Also, the Reverend Joolie has to buy a dress for the occasion. Vickie suggested a nun's habit, but the Reverend Joolie suspected more than a trace of snark and so will disregard such impudence and instead drag her sister with her on yet another emergency shopping trip. The Reverend Joolie is annoying the crap out of regular Joolie with this third-person conceit, so she will stop now, and hi, I'm back; sorry about that.
So that's pretty much the whole month. Except also, I asked Wain to do a run of "I am not lonely" shirts, and they came in tonight. They look great, and now I have to figure out the best way to get rid of them. Oh, jeez, and we should probably find a place to live somewhere in there, too.