« Wow, thanks, those stories were great. |
| Nighty-night »
- Jell-O shots are maybe not the best things to eat on a hot afternoon.
- Calexico is pleasantly boring live. Also, they attract a lot of really clean-looking girls in sandals who dance well but too exuberantly until they end up reigning it in a little after a few moves and settle for throwing their heads back and exchanging these weird gleeful aren't-we-having-fun-now! looks with their friends, which makes them look horribly self-conscious, especially because this is all way out of proportion to the relatively tepid performance onstage. The first time I saw Calexico they were really great, all intense and joyful, but after seeing them two more times after that, I'm starting to think maybe that was a fluke.
- My breaststroke has really gone to shit.
- I have finally adjusted to my morning schedule. For instance, I woke up at nine this morning without reason or prompting, and this past week I got up before work with plenty of time to spare more often than not. This is great news, except I start working nights again tomorrow. Sometimes I swear my brain is fucking with me on purpose, and I can't say I blame it; it's not like I give it much to do besides obsess over meaningless crap that I know will turn out not to matter at all.
- Eric's going to be an uncle again.
- Bullet points are ridiculous.