Who wants a neti pot button? I made a whole batch the other night, and I don't know what to do with them.
If you are a fan of the neti pot and would like a button depicting one, please send me an e-mail with your mailing address and a picture of you using one, like this. I will not post these pictures unless you give me permission, of course.
If you want a button but for some reason you can't get a picture taken mid-neti, you can send me a Shakespearean sonnet about neti pots. I won't post those unless you give me permission, either. If you'd rather write a Petrarchan sonnet, I guess I'd accept those too.
Actually, tell you what. I'll give you a neti pot button in exchange for any neti-related art or poetry, other than haiku. Lately I've been thinking that haiku needs a rest.
(More information on neti pots here. I got mine at Walgreen's. I realize this sounds like horseshit, and disgusting to boot, but I swear to you that they help. My allergies aren't cured exactly, but they're a lot better this year. Also, I hear if you have certain sinus or ear problems, neti pots might not be the best thing for you, so use your discretion.)