My face hurts. I have some sort of sinus inflammation. I've tried nasal sprays, ibuprofen, and a steroid shot (rar!). I even tried a neti pot--you know, the hippie contraption you use to pour water into one nostril until it flows out the other--in an attempt to shut my nose up with soothing saline solution.
Eric got one too and is a big fan. (I think this is a really sweet picture of him, in spite of, or maybe because of, the stream of water shooting out of his nose.) The neti pot is totally gross but really fun, and I'm breathing much better already.
Ok, that's great, but it did nothing for my primary problem, which is that it feels like someone shoved a can opener up my left nostril. It's bad. I was up for an hour today. I went back to bed and dozed until six p.m. I woke to see the last of the daylight drain away outside my bedroom window. Bye, gorgeous Sunday.
Jesus, being sick is boring. Talking about being sick is boring. Reading about being sick is boring. Pretend you never read this post. (What post?) Ah, that's the spirit.