Hooray! I got the program to work. But boo! It's going to take forever to finish my Flash thing. Should've tried something simpler, but it's too late now. So instead, a really bad joke, transcribed verbatim from Eric:
So a woman gets a blind date with this guy, and they decide to go to the carnival. They walk around, ride some rides, eat some cotton candy, and then he says, "Well, what do you want to do next?" And then she says, "Get weighed."
And so they go to the guy at the carnival who guesses her weight, and he gets it wrong, and they get a prize. So then they ride another ride, and then he says, "Well, what do you want to do now?" She says, "Get weighed."
He kind of sighs, thinking, gaa, that's kind of weird, but whatever. So he takes her back to the guy at the carnival who guesses the weight, and he guesses the weight, but he's already seen her and he knows how much she weighs, so it's really not that fun. He gets it right on the nose, and they don't win a prize, and that was pretty much the end of their date.
He takes her home and drops her off and gives her a peck on the cheek and just says, "Good bye." And the roommate (that I probably should have mentioned set the date up in the beginning) said, "Well, how was it?"
And the girl says, "Wousy."
I guess that works better orally. Oh, well! Eric B., everybody!