The ice broke in half when it fell, so I didn't get the coveted fully intact chunk today. It's still pretty satisfying to pry that much ice off the top of the freezer at once. THUNK!
The finished product. Some people use a hairdryer, but I'm always afraid I'll get electrocuted. So my freezer-defrosting technique involves many pots of boiling water and a hammer. Place the boiling pots inside and keep switching them out until the ice is compromised enough to bash it out with a hammer. Don't puncture the coils! (The dents in back are from previous tenants, I believe.)
Be sure to throw the ice chunks on the lawn when you're done. The lawn gets a little drink, and it's fun to watch them smash into little pieces.
Finally, if you have a frost-free freezer, be grateful. (Or if you have anything at all! Every time I use or do anything, even drink a glass of water, I think about all the people wandering around the gulf coast right now and am sick all over again. Christ. More on that later.)
I did some other stuff today, but none of it was as photo-worthy as my freezer.