Wain recently had a birthday, too, so now he and Roo and Eric are all pretty much in their mid-30s. Damn.
I started hanging out with Wain and Roone when I was 19 and they were 22, and at the time they seemed so old and knowing and able to buy me beer. I probably flirted with them a little too much at the time to be able to say they were like older brothers, but they were definitely influential.
At the time, Wain lived in a little house with two other friends, Ben and Billy. Roone and I and a few other people were always over there, drinking beer, watching movies, arguing about records, baking cakes, fixing bikes, or just getting in the way. It was that kind of house.
I loved it. I was just starting the whole work/pay rent thing and was a little uncertain about my ability to do so sucessfully, but they made being an adult seem all new and fun, like it was no big deal. And it was fun. And usually it still is, and a lot of that is because of those guys.
That's all.