Roone's been running in and out of the house the past few days, leaving a trail of cables and random shit--weightlifting gloves, game cartridges, a battery-powered Babe the Pig, etc.--everywhere he goes. Ball-less Wallace the Asshole the Cat has been taking advantage of the frequently open door to try to sneak in and terrorize the kitten. My room is completely dismantled (although the closet looks beautiful!) and there are garbage bags lining the hallway. Half the counter space in the kitchen is taken up by a drill press and bits, and there are mats and frames and photos and flyers and little curls of Plexiglas all over the house. I killed what I'm pretty sure were two brown recluses in my room today, and we walked in on two huge, weird walking-stick-type bugs fucking in the hall. Also Eric keeps getting bitten by mosquitoes or something in his sleep, and the washer and dryer have been going since the minute we got up today.
I'm taking a minute to drink a vodka tonic and smoke a cigarette before I resume tackling the many, many tasks on my list. It's going to be a long night.