Not much new on the me front. Working nights, some longer than others. Trying to do lino cuts again, although I've gotten amazingly rusty and keep botching print after print. That's okay. It beats watching daytime television. Still swimming every day, laps mostly.
There's a middle-aged Russian dude who shows up at the pool nearly every day too. He wears an American flag do-rag and hangs out in the deep end, giving people an emphatic thumbs-up and saying "Goot! Goot!" whenever they finish a lap. Today he high-fived Eric and told him he liked his tattoo, "even though most are ugly." He's a little strange, I guess, but any encouragement is welcome. So rock on, Russian dude.
My one sad lightning photo
It finally rained tonight, for a good long time. It was hot and sullen and totally still all evening, and finally the storm blew in, with slanty rain and lots of lightning. Three hours later it's breezy and fragrant outside, with crazy sky-splitting lightning off to the east. Fantastic. It's been over 100 for about a week, and we haven't had rain since June 1, so people kept coming out of the building to marvel and whoop during the storm. Except one woman, who was leaving for the day. When she saw the extent of the downpour, she sighed disgustedly, screwed up her mouth and made a huffy little poo-face, and said, "Well, I guess we need the rain."
Oh, I suppose so. Hundreds of thousands of people get a little break from the heat and their lawns and gardens will get some water. Farmers might be able to salvage what's left of their crops. The rivers and lakes will fill back up a little. Plus, who knows when it might rain again? But, jeez, your commute is going to be a little tricky, so all the rest is meaningless, princess.
Well, she's entitled to her opinion, and I'm entitled to mine, which is that she is a bozo.