What is it with me almost losing sushi lunches to bad smells? Today when Roo, Eric, and I were our way back from Ichiban, a pigeon crapped copiously all over the windshield. The result was huge, sloppy, and hideous, and the sound, ta-SPLAT, ta-SPLAT! was positively chilling. Worst, a few seconds later this horrible, sour, rotting odor shot in through the vents, which were on full blast because it's 9,000 degrees outside.
So all of a sudden I've got pigeon-shit stench being blown in my face at Mach 5 and a bellyful of sushi to hold on to. Ridiculous. I pinched my nose shut and started violently gagging and giggling until tears were running down my face and I wasn't sure if I was going to retch, choke, or retch and then choke.
Fortunately, I did none of those things, and thank god I wasn't driving. In my diminished state, I probably would have run the car into a guardrail, killing us all. (Oh, how awful, how did they die? Pigeon shit. Losers.)
Eric calmly pulled into a gas station to wipe the windshield down and air out the car, and the excitement was over. I wish I'd gotten a picture of the monstrous poop, for it was truly impressive. But I'm not going to kick myself in the ass over it; see, at the time I was a little too busy trying to keep air going in and out of my lungs to be worrying about things like photo illustrations.