So far, I've received:
- A beautiful valentine from Molly Goatwax.
- A Mountie postcard and another valentine from Wendy.
(Back when I only got one channel, there was a show about a Mountie that I always watched on Sunday nights. Did anyone else ever see that? He was working in tandem with the U.S. Marshals or something, and always got into wacky scrapes and jurisdictional arguments. Or something like that; I don't remember. It was a while ago. Anyway, he was adorable. That is my one and only Mountie story. The end!)
- A glossy photo of the Monkey Town Singers.
- A self-portrait of Kristin's torso, with a note on the back lamenting that she was wasting "a good rowdy" on work.
- Another valentine from my stepgrandparents. I didn't get to have Jewish grandparents until I was 16, but now I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't. The only thing I regret is that I was way too old to call them Bubbe and Zayde by the time I met them, but that's okay because I get to hear my little cousins say it.
- A nice e-mail from a 15-year-old girl who likes to draw comics.
- And Eric got a very sweet note from his father, thanking him for the visit.
Damn, y'all, thanks. That ruled!