I guess I'll be working a lot in the next few months, but I promise not to turn this site into a tedious box score listing my hours each day.
First, though, I'm going to break that vow immediately by saying that I worked until 3:30 a.m. yesterday and then most of the evening today. I am a little weary right now.
Really, working every day, or nearly, just means I have to be more savvy about finding my fun where I can--sleeping a little less, hit-and-run lunches with friends, riding my bike to work, racing to the bar before last call--and letting things slide if I have to. So long as the bills get paid, the groceries get bought, I see my friends a couple times a month (it helps that I live with a few of them), and I don't wear the same pair of pants more than three days in a row, I figure I'm in good shape for the time being.
Ah, who the hell am I kidding? That's pretty much my philosophy all the time.