Still I am sick. Not truly sick enough to be home and snuggled up in bed with my smelly cat. Just sick enough that I haven't felt like doing much more than the bare minimum: sleep, work, eat, bitch boringly about being sick, watch tv, sleep. Not the most exciting existence, but I guess I'm grateful that I don't feel like utter dogshit.
But I can offer you a tip:
When your nose is running and you must reach for the closest paper product, avoid the little takeout package napkins. You know, the ones that come in plastic baggies with the utensils and the seasonings.
See, the seasonings include little paper packets of black pepper, which are highly pungent and will taint everything they come in contact with. You will be expecting comfort and release. Instead you will blow your nose, and then you will sneeze and sneeze and sneeze into this harsh, stiff, pepper-scented napkin. Your eyes will water violently, and you will feel very poorly indeed as you spray aerosolized mucus everywhere and wonder what horrible trick you'll play on yourself next.
Trust me on this.