I don't really feel like I can account for the past 48 hours. I went out for drinks in honor of a birthday (happy birthday, John!). I slept a lot. I went to the store. Um. A friend I hadn't seen in a while stopped by and I talked to her for a while. All that was nice, but that still leaves me with about 23 hours that I really can't say what I did to fill.
Well, at least I feel rested. And I have a double batch of dense, goopy tuna casserole in the oven. It doesn't taste right if I don't put an appalling amount of cheese in it and spread an entire bag of potato chips over the top, so I can only make it a few times a year without feeling like I'm slowly murdering my housemates, who love it. But I always like to make one as soon as it starts getting chilly at night; it seems a good a way as any other to celebrate fall.