I'm going to buy a lot of beer tonight and watch it.
That doesn't mean I don't think the whole debate series is a bunch of micromanaged horseshit.
You're supposed to be the leader of the United States, but you can't be expected to think on your feet, take a little heat from your opponent and the audience, and answer follow-up questions?
Basically they're just giving a series of mini-speeches 10 feet (exactly, according to the 32-page list of rules that I can't believe Kerry agreed to) away from each other.
Ugh. I don't go into politics very often here for a number of reasons.
First of all, there are many, many thousands of excellent resources available on politics. To my knowledge, however, this is the only site on the web that provides hard-hitting analysis of how much I paid for pants and how much beer I drink.
But the main reason is that it's not very fun for me to write about politics. I started following state- and national-level stuff pretty closely about five years ago, and the more I learn, the more overwhelmed and pissed off I get.
Lately I've been so overwhelmed and pissed off that I'm close to being inarticulate on the subject of politics. Once I start, I can't stop; I just go on and on, and after a certain point my words just dwindle to a strangled cartoonish clicking in my throat.
In addition to being nearly impossible to transcribe, that would be no fun to write, and, after the initial novelty wore off, not much fun to read. So I'm going to stick to the frivolous and self-indulgent stuff, and you can continue to get the real stuff from your media outlet of choice.
I feel silly even explaining this, like anyone cares or notices, or like I have to justify this in any way. I feel stupid even writing about blogging. But it seems weird to me that there's this huge topic that I think about all the time, and that's really been bugging the crap out of me lately, and I never write about it or mention it here. So I guess I just wanted to lay out why.