Besides sitting idly at work at midnight on Sunday, of course, but that should go without saying. No, it really shouldn't. That should never go without saying. But bitterness and rage get you nowhere, even though both are very satisfying sometimes.
Anyway, after I finished raging bitterly, I decided to make the most of my time here. While waiting for our work to be ready this evening, I have:
smoked several cigarettes (tasty);
gone to the grocery store (enjoyable);
made microwave queso (delicious in a gross, sticky, this-is-gonna-cement-my-colon-shut sort of way); and
looked up maps of craters, isthmuses, and lava flows (fascinating if you're into that kind of thing, which I am, sort of).
All of these things have been fine, noble endeavors, but they've only filled up four hours. Still we wait. A nap is out of the question, so now what?